Quotes from Supporting Organizations in 2024

National and Regional Organizations

Izaak Walton League of America:  “Native plants play a vital role in maintaining the health and resilience of our environment. They provide critical habitat for wildlife, promote soil health, and stabilize our ecosystems. The League commends Senators Braun and Hirono for their leadership in bringing greater recognition to the ecological significance of native flora and the importance of conserving and restoring native plant communities.” - Jared Mott, Conservation Director, Izaak Walton League of America

Keep America Beautiful:  "Native plants are essential to the health of our ecosystems and our communities. Keep America Beautiful is proud to support Native Plant Month which reminds us of the crucial role these species play in fostering the health and wellbeing of people across our nation and around the world." - Jennifer Lawson, President and CEO, Keep America Beautiful

National Audubon Society:  “We thank Senators Braun and Hirono, and Representatives Neguse, Buck, Joyce and Case for recognizing the importance of native plants,” said Marlene Pantin, Partnerships Manager for the National Audubon Society’s Plants for Birds program. “Birds and other wildlife need all the help they can get when facing both a biodiversity and a climate crisis. Native plants help ensure that the birds we love in our own regions will have the food, shelter, and nesting sites they need for generations to come. Plants that are already adapted to local conditions benefit communities as well, requiring less water and pesticides to thrive. By recognizing April as National Native Plant Month, we hope to raise awareness of the beauty and the necessity of native plants for both people and wildlife.” - Jesse Walls, Executive Director, National Audubon Society

National Parks Conservation Association:  “Native plants in our national parks like the whitebark pine at Yellowstone and seagrasses at Everglades are vital to the wildlife that rely on them for food, shelter and protection. But more frequent and severe floods, wildfires, hurricanes and droughts due to climate change are challenging our park’s native species like never before, putting entire ecosystems at risk. The bipartisan National Native Plant Month resolution is critical to helping our parks combat these impacts and prevent some of our most iconic plants and animals from being lost forever. We commend Senators Braun and Hirono for their leadership in getting this resolution over the finish line, and their continued support for our national park’s native plants.” - Theresa Pierno, President and CEO, National Parks Conservation Association

Native Plant Trust:  "National recognition of native plants underscores their importance in supporting all life on this planet—bees and butterflies, song birds and salamanders, and fish and mammals, including human beings. By highlighting and celebrating the unique flora of our country, flora which adapted and evolved into a dynamic, diverse, and resilient web of life, we offer the opportunity for all citizens to deepen their relationship with the natural world and create a path to reversing climate change and protecting the ecosystems that nurture humanity." - Tim Johnson, Chief Executive Officer, Native Plant Trust

Pollinator Partnership:  “Native plants are critical to the diet and life cycles of many bees, butterflies, birds, and other wildlife. Not only do these plants beautify and diversify our landscape, they also help to clean our air and water, stabilize soils, feed imperiled wildlife, and so much more. Protection, support, and education regarding the importance and benefits of native plants is paramount to the future success of pollinator conservation in the United States. Pollinator Partnership supports Senators Braun and Hirono and Congressman Neguse in their resolutions to designate this April as National Native Plant Month and thanks them for their continued efforts to raise awareness about the critical role these species play in our landscaping, agriculture, and natural areas.” - Amber Barnes, Pollinator Partnership

 “The Garden Club of America (GCA) commends Senator Braun for the passage of a renewal resolution to designate April as National Native Plant Month. Since all life on earth depends on the health of our planet, and plants are the foundation of life, legislation of this type is very important. Our ecosystems benefit from native plants – stabilizing soil, filtering water, cleaning air, and supporting pollinators and wildlife. The GCA is committed to preserving and expanding our system of richly varied natural habitats and protecting native plant biodiversity. This official designation will create an opportunity to educate gardeners about the benefits of using native plants and, hopefully, result in more native plants being introduced into local landscapes.” - Marilyn Donahue, President, The Garden Club of America

"The Great Healthy Yard Project applauds the adoption of Native Plant month as a way to change the aesthetic of American yards. With native plants Americans can have more beautiful yards without synthetic chemicals. Since these chemicals wash from our yards into our drinking water, this is one of the best ways to protect our water and our families’ health. Especially now with the stress of climate related issues impacting every region of the country, this is a wonderful time for natural gardening with native plants. It is  enjoyable, and helps the environment, our families, and wildlife.” - Diane Lewis, M.D. Author and Founder of the Great Healthy Yard Project

The Herb Society of America:  "The members of The Herb Society of America, Inc. commend the efforts of Senator Braun and Congressman Neguse for introducing the legislation to designate the month of April as our National Native Plant Month.  Our Native plants appeared on this earth long before we humans, and we are dependent on those plants for their medicinal, beverage, dye, industrial, culinary and aesthetic uses.  A gentle reminder of our interdependence on a healthy environment serves all of us well. This resolution is a giant step forward in raising awareness of the importance of incorporating native plants into our own landscapes and how this one small step will reap huge benefits not only for the health of the environment but for future generations." - Lin Lang, President, The Herb Society of America

The Nature Conservancy:  "We applaud Senators Braun and Hirono for their resolution to make April 2024 National Native Plant Month. At a time when our planet faces the crises of biodiversity loss and climate change, native plants’ role as lynchpins of local ecosystems has never been more important. Congress must mark this recognition by advancing policies and investments that will preserve native species' and the benefits they provide for both people and nature." - Tom Cors, Sr. Director, Legislative Affairs, The Nature Conservancy 

Western Reserve Land Conservancy: “Permanently preserving land means the habitat that native plants and wildlife will be protected now and for future generations. Ohio is home to many special plant species indigenous to our region, and providing a thriving habitat is critical to ensure they prosper. At Western Reserve Land Conservancy, our stewardship of conserved landscapes includes removing invasive species and ensuring they don’t return. We applaud Sens. Braun and Hirono for their recognition of the importance of a healthy, native landscape by reintroducing their resolution declaring April as National Native Plant Month.” – Rich Cochran, President, Western Reserve Land Conservancy

"Wild Ones promotes native landscapes through education, advocacy and collaborative action. Building awareness through recognition of Native Plant Month supports our effort to advocate for the return of valuable ecosystems and create thriving landscapes in every community." Jen Ainsworth, Executive Director, Wild Ones


State Organizations

Alaska Botanical Gardens:  “Native plants are an integral part of regional ecosystems that do not follow political boundaries. Conserving and promoting these plants promotes healthy communities of all types and at every level.” - Mike Monterusso, Executive Director, Alaska Botanical Gardens 

Alaska Native Plant Society:  "Designating a National Native Plant Month each and every year is a way to increase public recognition of the benefits and importance of native plants. In Alaska, we need native plants to support our traditional ways of life, our economy, and the health and sustainability of our communities and ecosystems." - Elizabeth Bluemink, President, Alaska Native Plant Society

Denver Botanic Gardens supports the resolutions to designate April as National Native Plant Month. Native plants are those best suited to our local climates and support native insects and wildlife. We connect people with plants, native plants in particular, through our horticultural displays, educational programming and scientific studies. We should all celebrate our native plants and the unique beauty they bring to our local landscapes.” - Jennifer Neale, Director of Research & Conservation, Denver Botanic Gardens

University of Delaware, Dr. Doug Tallamy:  “Native plants are the most powerful tool in our conservation tool box; without increasing their use and protection, we will fail in our conservation efforts. National Native Plant Month will help spread this important message. We can restore biodiversity and ecosystem function one person at a time – please plant natives and get on the Homegrown National Park™ MAP www.homegrownnationalpark.org.” – Dr. Doug Tallamy, University of Delaware

"The Florida Wildflower Foundation is committed to the preservation and promotion of native plant species, which play a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity, supporting pollinators, and enhancing ecosystem resilience. As such, we wholeheartedly endorse and support the Senate and House resolutions to designate April 2024 as National Native Plant Month. This designation provides an opportunity to celebrate the beauty and significance of native flora, educate the public about their environmental benefits, and encourage actions to protect and restore native plant habitats across the nation. By officially recognizing National Native Plant Month, we can foster greater appreciation and stewardship of our natural heritage." - Stacey Matrazzo, Executive Director, Florida Wildflower Foundation

"At the National Tropical Botanical Garden, we are committed to the perpetuation of Hawaiʻi’s irreplaceable native plants. These species are at the very foundation of our ecosystems, the livelihoods of our communities, and the essence of culture. Dedicating a month to native plants across the country is a great way to foster appreciation and inspire action for these increasingly imperiled species that are critical to life on our island home—from the ʻāina of Hawaiʻi to the entire planet." - Janet Mayfield, CEO and Executive Director, National Tropical Botanical Garden

“The Indiana Native Plant Society is excited to support the Resolution designating April 2024 as National Native Plant Month.  Native plants are key to supporting biodiversity, which is in steep decline. Conserving and increasing native plant populations is vital. We thank Senators Hirono and Braun for supporting this legislation.” - Coralie Palmer, President, Indiana Native Plant Society

"The Kentucky Native Plant Society is in full support of the Senate resolution to designate the month of April as National Native Plant Month!  Native plants are essential to both the well-being of our natural ecosystems and the public enjoyment of these native ecosystems.  This resolution is in full alignment with our organizational purpose to promote conservation of native plants and natural plant communities and to promote public education in botanical science." - Jeff Nelson, President, Kentucky Native Plant Society

Louisiana Native Plant Society:  "The Native Plant Initiative of Greater New Orleans would like to see our federal government support the use and protection of native plants.  We support both the Senate Resolution and House Resolution to make April 2024 National Native Plant Month." - Tammy Baumgarten, President, Louisiana Native Plant Society

Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay:  "Native plants are essential to our beneficial insects, which are vital pollinators and providers of food for wildlife such as birds. The loss of pollinators would negatively affect both farmers and consumers who would be faced with reduced crop yields and lower quality products. Moreover, insect-pollinated foods contain many key nutrients, such as vitamin E, essential to our diet. A world without pollinators would not only leave us with fewer food choices, but would make it substantially harder to find the nutrition we need to survive." - Marlene Smith, President, Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay

"The Mississippi Native Plant Society offers robust and wholehearted support both the Senate Resolution and House Resolution to make April 2024 National Native Plant Month." - Nadine Philips, President, Mississippi Native Plant Society

"The Montana Native Plant Society supports both the Senate Resolution and House Resolution to make April 2024 National Native Plant Month. The goals of the Montana Native Plant Society are to preserve, conserve, and study the native plants and plant communities of Montana, and to educate the public about the value of our native flora." - David Hanna, President, Montana Native Plant Society

Nevada Native Plant Society:  "Nevada is home to more than 2,800 native species of flowering plants, making it the 10th most botanically diverse state in the nation. Much of this diversity is found in relatively small islands" within the "oceans" of sagebrush, greasewood, or creosote bush that greet the eyes of most highway travelers. Such islands include more than 300 named mountain ranges in the state, the highest reaching over 13,000 feet above sea level; isolated springs and wetlands, some with very ancient roots; sand dunes large and small; and pockets of unusual soils weathered from the state's rich geologic heritage. About 300 native Nevada plants, including most of our endemics, are considered vulnerable enough to extinction to be of conservation concern." - Emma Wynn, President, Nevada Native Plant Society

"On behalf of The New York Botanical Garden (NYBG), we applaud your efforts to again designate April as National Native Plant Month. We wholeheartedly endorse this effort, and commit to educating the public about native plants year-round, but especially in the month of April. Since our founding in 1891, NYBG has been an advocate for the plant kingdom. Native plants are featured throughout our 250 acres in the densely populated borough of the Bronx, and featured in our very own Native Plant Garden. This 3.5-acre garden celebrates the beauty of plants native to the American Northeast. Nearly 100,000 native trees, shrubs, wildflowers, ferns, and grasses were planted in a carefully planned contemporary design that harmonizes with the natural landscape. Many of the plants in the Native Plant Garden provide shelter and sustenance for wildlife, making this garden a magnet for squirrels, chipmunks, frogs, and a colorful array of birds and butterflies. This garden also serves as a serene oasis for urban families wishing to learn more about sustainable practices and the benefits of native plant use in their own homes and communities. As we turn the corner into spring, NYBG applauds your efforts and will uphold your statement that “native plants are essential components of resilient ecosystems and our natural heritage” in our practice and public education.” - Aaron Bouska, Vice President for Government and Community Relations, The New York Botanical Garden

"The North Carolina Botanical Garden has been a leader in native plant conservation, horticulture, and education in the southeastern United States for more than 50 years. As part of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, we further the University's tripartite teaching, research, and public service mission through our own mission to inspire understanding, appreciation, and conservation of plants and to advance a sustainable relationship between people and nature. As a garden focused on conserving the biodiversity of southeastern native plants, we fully support both the Senate Resolution and the House Resolution to make April 2024 National Native Plant Month." - Damon Waitt, Director, North Carolina Botanical Garden

“The North Carolina Native Plant Society applauds the sponsoring Senators’ interest in environmental awareness, and supports your proposal to designate April 2023 as "National Native Plant Month”.   As a next step, our Society also encourages the development and/or support of legislation that would address the causes of native plant decline.” - Ken Bridle, President, North Carolina Native Plant Society

Allwood Audubon:  "Besides supporting important insect pollinators, native plants provide our native birds with fruit, seeds, nectar, shelter, and especially insect food. When we landscape our yards, neighborhood parks and public spaces with native plants, we are helping to restore vital habitat for birds in our communities." Nenita Lapitan, Senior Manager, Center and Farm, Aullwood Audubon, Dayton, Ohio

Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District supports the resolution to designate April as National Native Plant Month. Not only do native plants provide resources for local fauna but they often have long root systems that can penetrate the soil up to 20 feet, increasing the ability of soil to absorb and retain stormwater, while increasing organic matter and providing food for microbes in the soil. Practices like shrinking lawns and swapping out invasive plants like the Bradford/Callery Pear Tree for native alternatives will help support conservation in our communities for years to come.” - Kristin Hall, Executive Director, Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District

Klyn Nurseries, Inc.: “As part of the Green Industry in Ohio, we support the senate resolution to designate the month of April as National Native Plant Month.  It is important to raise the awareness of native plants and the role they play in providing a healthy environment for pollinators and birds.  Through education we can show people that native plants are not only functional but can add beauty to their landscapes.” - Bill Hendricks, President, Klyn Nurseries, Inc., Ohio

"The Lake Erie Allegheny Partnership (LEAP) fully supports making April 2024 National Native Plant Month. LEAP is a consortium of conservation-related organizations, located in the glaciated Allegheny plateau, dedicated to the conservation of biodiversity in the region. Our members are concerned about the threat of invasive species and strive to recommend and promote the use of native plants in small backyard landscaping as well as in large scale habitat restoration projects. We applaud and fully support Senators Braun and Hirono in bringing this Senate Resolution forward and Congressman Neguse for sponsoring the House ResolutionBy recognizing National Native Plant Month, we direct attention to the serious threat of invasive plants and highlight the ecological importance of native plants in our landscape." - Renee Boronka on behalf of the Lake Erie Allegheny Partnership

“The Native Plant Society of Northeastern Ohio, the founding chapter of the Ohio Native Plant Society, is proud to support Senators Braun and Hirono for co-sponsoring a resolution to make April National Native Plant Month. The resolution follows along with our goals and mission: Promote conservation of Native Plants and Natural Communities through habitat protection and other means; Foster public knowledge and appreciation of native plants; Support natural landscaping; Raise awareness of the ethical issues regarding native plants; Encourage surveys and research into native species and the publication of findings; and Promote cooperation with other programs and organizations concerned with the conservation of natural resources.” - Judy Barnhart, President, Native Plant Society of Northeastern Ohio

Nature Scoop inspires the public to landscape with native plants, particularly those plants that bees and native butterfly/moth caterpillars eat (like milkweed for the Monarch butterfly). Native plants are terribly fragmented (too few and too isolated), so we need to fill in the gaps by adding native plants to our yards and communities. Each of us can save the plant and animal services (i.e., releasing oxygen into the air, cleaning our drinking water, pollinating our food...) that humans depend upon by planting beautiful native plants. - Toni Stahl, Habitat Ambassador, Nature Scoop

Ohio Environmental Council (OEC): “Our native plants are cornerstones of our environment, and crucial to the health and success of pollinators, wildlife, and our economy. The Ohio Environmental Council applauds Senator Braun and Senator Hirono for their leadership in recognizing and celebrating America’s natural heritage and ecological bounty. Let’s make April 2024 National Native Plant Month and let’s get planting!” – Nathan Johnson, Public Lands Director for the Ohio Environmental Council

“The Ohio Native Plant Month organization commends Senator Braun and Senator Hirono for the passage of Senate Resolution 603 designating April 2024 as National Native Plant Month. To save our planet we must protect the health of our water, air, and soil. To save wildlife we need to provide them with ample food and shelter. Our native plants have evolved over time alongside local wildlife, caterpillars, insects, pollinators, birds, and other wildlife, and they depend on native plants for their food and survival. This legislation provides an annual platform to help educate the public about the importance of native plants, and encourages all landowners to plant more native plants to feed wildlife.” – Nancy Linz, President and Co-Founder, Ohio Native Plant Month, Founder, National Native Plant Month

Save Ohio Bees™:  “One in four North American bee species currently face the threat of extinction. Native flowering plants, including herbs, shrubs, and trees, are vital to sustaining native pollinators, complex ecosystems, other wildlife, and the food web. Native plants can also contribute to nature-based climate change strategies by sequestering carbon, preventing erosion, conserving water, and cooling the atmosphere. April’s designation as National Native Plant Month highlights the interdependence of native plants, human health, and ecological health across every bioregion and every landscape. Thank you to Senators Braun and Hirono for spearheading the passage of this important resolution.” - Tracy Teuscher, Founder, Save Ohio Bees™

"The Native Plant Society of Oregon strongly supports Senators Braun and Hirono’s resolution designating April 2024 as National Native Plant Month.  This resolution recognizes the importance of native plants as well as threats to their continued existence.  A national resolution can help promote education on the benefits of native plants and public efforts to conserve, preserve, and enjoy native plants as well as efforts to remove invasive species.” - Judi Sanders, NPAM Coordinator, Native Plant Society of Oregon

"The Providence Garden Club of Pennsylvania supports both the Senate Resolution and House Resolution to make April 2024 National Native Plant Month. As a small local garden club we support and promote the importance of native plants. It is valuable to spread the message that landscape is not just beautiful but also functional and the role native plants play in that function.  Native plants support biodiversity, through sustaining pollinators, local and migrating bird species and wildlife. In utilizing native plantings we can reduce chemical intervention as our natives do not need artificial fertilizers and chemical pesticides. In addition need less water and can reduce carbon pollution all of which translate to a healthier environment for wildlife and people." - Holly Porter, President, Providence Garden Club of Pennsylvania

"On the behalf of The Village Garden Club of Sewickley in Western Pennsylvania (members of the Garden Club of America), I am encouraging you to support the House and the Senate Resolutions to make April Native Plant Month. As we work in our own gardens as well as in gardens around our communities, walk and hike along trails in our woods and along streams and rivers, we not only see the destruction of native habitats with invasive plants, but we also can see that when the invasives are removed, native plants can be used to restore and heal our environment. We have been working diligently in our communities to educate the public on the benefits of native plants. We are currently in the process of working with a local borough to create a large, curated demonstration garden filled with native plants. Our goal is to help homeowners see the ways that native plants can be beautifully incorporated in their own gardens and the benefits of these plants within a healthy ecosystem." - Lynn Pangburn Sopp, President, The Village Garden Club of Sewickley

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center:  “Our country’s indigenous plants are the core of so many unique and important ecosystems found here and nowhere else on earth, and they support vast food webs of pollinators, birds and other wildlife. This kind of national recognition shines an important light on our native plants and can inspire citizens to conserve them in native habitats as well as plant them in their home gardens to create vibrant landscapes across the country.” - Lee H. Clippard, Executive Director, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center

"The Native Plant Society of Texas enthusiastically supports the designation of April 2024 as National Native Plant Month. Our mission as a statewide nonprofit organization is to promote the conservation, research, and utilization of native plants and plant habitats of Texas through education, outreach and example. National recognition of the importance of maintaining native plant communities and limiting invasive plants is essential for promoting the resilience of our planet’s ecosystems." "La Sociedad de Plantas Nativas de Texas apoya con entusiasmo la designación de abril de 2024 como el Mes Nacional de las Plantas Nativas. Nuestra misión como organización estatal sin fines de lucro es promover la conservación, la investigación y la utilización de plantas nativas y hábitats de plantas de Texas a través de la educación, la divulgación y el ejemplo. El reconocimiento nacional de la importancia de mantener las comunidades de plantas nativas y limitar las plantas invasoras es esencial para promover la resiliencia de los ecosistemas de nuestro planeta." - Meg Inglis, Executive Director, Native Plant Society of Texas

"The Washington Native Plant Society applauds the designation of April as National Native Plant Month and looks forward to emphasizing the importance of our country's native plants and their critical relationship to our native pollinators, our wildlife, our environment, and ultimately, ourselves. Since 2004, Washington State proclaimed the month of April, Native Plant Appreciation Month in celebration and appreciation of native plants: hosting events, field trips, educational opportunities, and other activities statewide to encourage people to engage with Washington's natural heritage. The Washington Native Plant Society, founded in 1976, strives with its partners to create programs and resources about native plants for everyone, to learn, and to build support of our mission to promote the appreciation and conservation of Washington's native plants and their habitats through study, education, and advocacy.  Washington Native Plant Society provides an annual theme to focus on preserving the remaining intact ecosystems in our state to protect native biodiversity for the future, in 2024, Prairie Preservation.”- Denise Mahnke, Executive Director, Washington Native Plant Society