State Laws, Proclamations, and Resolutions
Native Plant Legislation by State
Before 2023, several states had laws, proclamations, or resolutions recognizing the importance of native plants for a day, week, or month, but very few. Since 2016, Colorado has celebrated Native Plants Week during the second week of June.
Ohio was the first state to pass a law in July of 2019 recognizing the importance of native plants for an entire month, making April, Ohio Native Plant Month (www.OhioNativePlantMonth.org).
In March of 2023, Mississippi became the second state to pass a law recognizing the month of April as Mississippi Native Plant Month. Also in March, California passed a recurring resolution (ACR 49) recognizing April as Native Plant Month. New Jersey passed a permanent joint resolution on April 14, 2023, making April, New Jersey Native Plant Month. Other states are currently working on similar state laws and permanent resolutions or proclamations to recognize the importance of native plants every year.
In the fall of 2022, The Garden Club of America launched an initiative to request proclamations from all 50 Governors to make April 2023 Native Plant Month in every state. The District of Columbia and 48 states issued proclamations in 2023! Below are the state proclamations from 2023 and 2024, and information about existing state laws, proclamations, or resolutions.
April 2023 Native Plant Month Proclamation
May 2023 Native Plant Month Proclamation
Organizations requesting this proclamation include the Alaska Native Plant Society, Alaska Botanical Gardens, Wildflower Garden Club of Alaska, Alaska Master Gardeners of Anchorage, and Anchorage Soil & Water Conservation District
April 2023 Native Plant Month
History: 2021 Proclamation making May Native Plant Month. 2020 Proclamation making the 3rd week of April Native Plant Week.
A law was passed in 2010 making the 3rd week of April Native Plant Week. On April 27, 2023, California passed a law designating the entire month of April as Native Plant Month!
History: In 2016, a Permanent Proclamation was signed making June 10-16 Native Plants Week
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
June 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
History: In 2015, a Proclamation was issued making October Native Plant Month in Florida.
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
History: Since 2018, Georga has had a Proclamation making September "Georgia Grows Native for Birds Month."
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
History: Proclamation issued making April 2022 Native Plant Month in Hawai’i
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
The Idaho Native Plant Society helped to obtain this proclamation.
History: Proclamation issued in 2013 making April 28-May 4, Native Plant Week in Idaho.
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
The Kansas Native Plant Society has requested proclamations since 2007 to designate September as Native Plant Appreciation Month.
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
In 2022, Mississippi issued a Proclamation making April Native Plant Month. In 2023, they passed a law! Click Here to Download the 2022 Proclamation. Click Here to Download the Law
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
Missouri is currently working on a law to make April Native Plant Month!
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
The Montana Native Plant Society helped to obtain this proclamation.
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
History: A Proclamation was issued in 2022 making the 1st week of June, Nebraska Wildflower Week
A Proclamation was requested of Nevada Governor Lombardo to make April 2023 Native Plant Month, and the request was denied.
New Hampshire
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
History: In 1987, the NH legislature passed the Native Plant Protection Act (RSA 217-A), recognizing, "native plants throughout this state should be protected and conserved."
New Jersey
History: In 2022, the Governor signed a bill into law (S-83) to promote the sale of native plants at garden centers. In 2023, they are working on a law to designate April as Native Plant Month… only needs the Governor’s signature!
New Mexico
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
History: In 2022, a Proclamation was issued making August 20 New Mexico Native Plant Day
New York
April 2023 Native Plant Resolution
History: In 2020 a Proclamation was issued making June 22-28 Pollinator Week
North Carolina
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
History: Since 2017 a Proclamation has been requested making October 18-24, Native Plants Week in North Carolina
North Dakota
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
History: A Proclamation was issued in 2021 making June 5 Prairie Day in North Dakota
Ohio passed a law in 2019 making the month of April, Ohio Native Plant Month. In 2023 a Special Proclamation was requested to reinforce Ohio’s commitment to native plants!
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
The Oklahoma Native Plant Society helped to obtain this proclamation, and it is currently working on a law to make April Native Plant Month in Oklahoma!
A Proclamation was requested in 2023, 2024, and 2025 to make April Oregon Native Plant Month
In 2022, a proclamation was issued making April, “Native Plant Appreciation Month”
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
History: A Proclamation was issued in 2022 making June 17 Native Species Day
Rhode Island
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
South Carolina
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
History: A Permanent Resolution was issued in 2018 making the 3rd week of October Native Plant Week in South Carolina
South Dakota
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
Organizations requesting this proclamation included: Mary Jo Wegner Arboretum, and the South Dakota Association of Conservation Districts
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
The Utah Native Plant Society helped to obtain this proclamation
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
History: A Proclamation was issued in 2022 making April Native Plant Appreciation Month
Washington D.C.
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
West Virginia
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
History: A Proclamation was issued in 2021 making June 21-27 Pollinator Week
April 2023 Native Plant Proclamation
The Wyoming Native Plant Society helped to obtain this proclamation from Governor Gordon.